Announcements & Events
Sunday March 23
Speaker: Pastor Troy Watson
Prayer as Attunement with Spirit
Lent Prayer Message Series
For Lent we will be focusing on prayer in our message series. We’ll be unpacking the purpose of prayer, what Jesus and the Bible teach us about prayer, and how to pray in ways that can help us get out of our prayer ruts or past our baggage with prayer.
60 St. Andrew St. (Stratford Intermediate School)
Nursery & K-5 Programs offered during the Message & Discussion Time (10:30-11:15).
We Can’t Wait to See You!
Hope is Alive!
Join us for our Easter Service held at Army Navy Hall, 151 Lorne Ave E, Stratford @ 10:00am. It’ll be a morning filled with joy, laughter & hope!
As always, if you’re a guest, we’re so glad you’re here!
Join the Journey
On Thursday, April 17th, join us for an interactive (and child-friendly) Maundy Thursday service in the Cafeteria at SIS. (60 St Andrew St)
What is Maundy Thursday? This is a day to remember Jesus’ last meal.
Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp's 41st Annual Bowlathon is happening again this year on April 5th! This is one of the camp’s main annual fundraising events with last year’s Bowlathon raising over $30,000! You can show your support by sponsoring Colby Martin or donating on-line at hiddenacres.ca/donate, and select “Annual Bowlathon” from the list. Thank you!
Seniors Retreat at Hidden Acres
On April 14, 2025 seniors are invited to Hidden Acres for Exploring Beginnings: The New Testament and the Anabaptist Bible with guest speakers Alicia Batten and Mollee Moua. Cost is $55 and includes lunch. For more information or to register go to hiddenacres.ca/programs/seniors-retreat
Come to Hidden Acres Summer Camp!
Are you looking for a fun, safe summer camp experience? Hidden Acres’ camp provides great opportunities to connect with God, each other and nature. Campers get to enjoy swimming, canoeing, archery, nature exploration, rock climbing, low ropes, camp-outs, sports, group games and more, all in the company of peers and our fun and supportive staff team. Check out www.hiddenacres.ca for our dates & rates. Contact our Program Director, Josh Penfold at josh@hiddenacres.ca for more information. See you for summer 2025!
Looking for a FUN and IMPACTFUL summer job?
Hidden Acres Camp provides opportunities for you to impact the lives of young people, serve God and others in a safe and fun environment, grow in your ability to be a great leader and have fun through it all! For available positions and more information or to apply, go to www.hiddenacres.ca or contact Josh Penfold at 519-625-8602 or josh@hiddenacres.ca
Lenten Lunches 2025 – Save the Dates – All Are Welcome – No Reservation Necessary
Stratford and District Council of Churches
Theme: The I Am Statements of Jesus in John’s Gospel
Location: Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, 50 Well St., Stratford
Time: 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m. Lunch begins promptly at Noon
Speaker Slot: 12:35 – 12:55 p.m.
Dates: Six Wednesdays in Lent beginning with Ash Wednesday
Schedule of Speakers:
March 05 th Marg Smith, Avondale United Church
March 12 th Rick Bruinsma, Elgin Missionary Church
March 19 th Margaret Smart, Local Community Food Centre
March 26 th Tim Elliott, St. James Anglican Church
April 02 nd Trevor Biehn, Jubilee Stratford Church
April 09 th Eva Hayes, Stratford House of Blessing
Lunch Service & Special Needs Sharon Twamley Home: 519-273-1995 Cell: 519-301-5787
Menu: Soups, Sandwiches, Veggies, Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Water
Admission Charge: $11.00
Note: Council of Churches will meet following the March 19 th lunch at Immaculate Conception
Sponsors: Stratford and District Council of Churches & Kiwanis Club of Stratford.
John Patterson Charles Swartwood
519-273-3523 519-272-7111
Spirit and screen. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of Apple, Insta and Google....
Canadian Mennonite magazine invites you to do a digital detox experiment this Lent. Starting March 5, cut screens back in some way and fill the gap with something holy.
Then be in touch. We'll bring detoxers together by teleconference during Lent and report stories in our June issue. If intrigued, see canadianmennonite.org/detox.
Check out the many events here:
Silver Lake Mennonite Camp (slmc.ca)
Summer Camp: Registration is ongoing for overnight camps and day camps! Visit slmc.ca/summer-camp to have a look at the 2025 schedule and program descriptions. Still spots available in most camps!
SLMC Retreats & Hikes: Go to slmc.ca/retreats for more info and to register.
Music Retreat (Mar 28-30) Come for the love of making music, go home with new songs to share! Campfire & Voices Together singalongs, plus an instrument petting zoo.
Spring Work Weekend (Apr 25-27) Help get camp ready for the summer season!
SLMC Group Rentals: The weekends of April 4-6 and May 23-25 have recently opened up and are available for rental. Perfect for a family reunion or church/youth retreat! Click here for more info… slmc.ca/retreats/group-rentals
In This Together presents a webinar series...Faithfully at Variance: Engaging with the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective. Webinar #3 takes place on Sunday March 30, 6pm CT, and will include stories of Mennonite Churches that have developed “Being At Variance Statements” and why this is important. We will facilitate two break out rooms; one that will strategize an addendum to article 19, and the other to brainstorm creative witness actions/events of being “Faithfully at Variance” during the upcoming Mennonite Church Canada gathering in Kitchener/Waterloo this July. To register, go to https://inthistogethernetwork.ca/news-and-events.
If you missed the previous webinars, you can check them out here: #1 and #2 (not required viewing in order to attend Webinar #3!).