Our Beliefs
Our Beliefs
Our beliefs are the ideas about God, life, the world, ourselves...that we hold onto as the truth, as our guiding light.
They help us interpret and make sense of reality - in spite of how things appear sometimes.
We recognize none of us can see the big picture. As the apostle Paul says in I Corinthians,
"For now we see things imperfectly...all that we know now is partial and incomplete...[like] a blurred image in a mirror."
Because our knowledge is always incomplete, our understanding and our beliefs are never static.
They are dynamic, meaning they continue to expand and evolve - as we learn and grow.
Our beliefs are not what we know - but what we trust.
As Followers of the Way of Jesus
We trust Christ is the ultimate revelation of who God is.
We trust the way of Jesus as our Creator’s intended way of life for us and the deepest quality of life possible.
We trust the Bible, the Holy Spirit, our experience, reason & faith community - together - will guide us into greater understanding of truth and wisdom.
As Anabaptists
We interpret the Scripture in a particular way - with an Anabaptist lens.
Anabaptism was a 16th century Christian movement also known as the Radical Reformation. This is our faith tradition heritage at Avon Mennonite Church. If you’re interested in what makes the Anabaptist lens unique explore the links below. They will provide some insight into the faith tradition Avon is part of.