Our Practice
Our practice is about getting our hands dirty, putting our money where our mouths are, it's where the rubber hits the road - and every other cliche you can think of about just doing it.
Our practice springs our theory into action. Because when it comes down to it, our beliefs, values, and ideas are worthless if they don't translate to our daily lives and shape our behaviour.
As the book of James says, "faith without works is dead."
Our practice are the things we actually do, the routines that bring consistency to our lives,
and what we hold each other accountable to.
Practices that help us grow in love, wisdom, and maturity.
Here are a few examples:
Prayer, Honest Dialogue, Meditation, Creating, Dancing, Listening, Sabbath Rest, Forgiveness, Practicing non-judgment, Silence, Nature Walks, Solitude, Worshipping together, Contemplation, Sharing our money, Spending time in Scripture, Gardening, Working, Serving others, Physical Exercise, Hospitality, Generosity, Getting Out of Our Comfort Zones, etc.