Our Team
Troy Watson
Lead Pastor/Ministry Team Leader
Living life in communion with the Creator is everything to me. I want everyone to taste and experience the delight of the Spirit in every aspect of their lives and feel loved, accepted and lifted up. To see that Christ is not a killjoy, but the one who brings the party. I live life to the fullest with my wife Tammy and our two sons Elias and Cai. They are incredible human beings, I can’t wait for you to meet them. I love reading, writing, witty banter, philosophy, hockey, laughing, psychology, music, hiking, art, kayaking, paradox, traveling, coffee and exploring the mysteries of the universe with others, preferably over good food and fine wine. I also enjoy and need solitude, so I can fully lean into the still silent voice of the Creator, and be filled to overflowing. My passion is to bring both new and old treasure out of the Bible, so that I can grow, and help others grow.
Stephen Kennedy
Youth & Family Pastor
Deep thinker, lover of food, always growing. I’ve been committed to my faith journey for over a decade now. Church wasn’t somewhere I expected to land, but here I am, excitedly serving in Pastoral ministry for over a decade as well. Funny how life and God works! My wife Leah and I have two beautiful children and we believe that our faith should be practical; it should make a difference in our community. We love coffee, and exploring new restaurants. Hope to see you soon.
Mary Anne Musser
Pastoral Care and Spiritual Direction
Born and raised in a small, rural Mennonite church community, my faith journey began with strong roots of family and tradition. As life took me to different places for University, volunteering, work, and marriage, my spiritual experiences expanded to include mystical and contemplative expressions and practices. I’m curious to know where others have been on their journey and I’m eager to hear your stories when our paths cross. I believe there is a place for each of us at the ever expanding table of Love. I’m thankful for the experience of God in nature, human connections, silence, good music and shared food! My husband Brent and I have four kids and we live and work at Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp.
Laura Taylor
Community Life Coordinator
I am a late comer to church, being raised as a Seventh Day Horizontalist :) I have been a spiritual seeker all my adult life but it wasn’t till I was in my mid thirties that I stepped into a church. I have found a belonging and intentionality at church that I appreciate and value. I have struggled with church language and some aspects of theology and appreciate the openness and acceptance of these struggles at Avon. I have an arts background and have two young adult children (our oldest is under the LGTBQIA+ umbrella) with my partner Mark.
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For prayer, support, information or to get involved just send us a message and one of our Staff will contact you as soon as possible.
Anything you write will be emailed directly and confidentially to the church office.