Interested in Joining a Small Group? to sign-up

Small Groups are Pockets of Love throughout the City.

People connecting with one another, caring for each other, and growing as a community.

Four times per year, our church service will look a little different.

Church @home is a time for families to get to know one another, to worship in a different way, and to remind ourselves that God’s presence is also outside of the walls of our church.

March 2 is our next Church @home Sunday

Interested in starting a Small Group?

Groups can be spiritual, creative, or social. Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Whatever your interests are or wherever your heart leads.

Contact the office at or call 519-273-2261.

Raising Littles: Avon Moms Group

Join our community of moms whose goal is to provide support, encouragement, and share in fellowship during this rewarding but challenging stage of life. Associated Bible studies, play dates and activities will be geared towards children aged 0-3 but all moms and kids are welcome

Contact Leah Kennedy ( for more info.

Avon Dad’s Group

Join our community of young dads whose goal is to provide support, encouragement, and share in fellowship during this rewarding but challenging stage of life. Bible study, hangouts, and support.

Contact Stephen Kennedy ( for more info.

Shabbat Shalom Evening

This year everyone in the Avon community will be receiving an invitation to attend a Shabbat Shalom in the home of one of our pastors. It will be a time of food, fellowship, singing, laughter and spiritual conversation. Look for your invitation this coming year! If you are unsure if the church office has your contact info and you would like to be part of a Shabbot Shalom group, please contact the office (

Church @Home (Geographic Groups)

Next date: March 2

This year we have invited people who live in relatively close proximity to one another to meet for church @ home once every three months. Home groups will focus on fun and fellowship over tea and coffee, with a time of reflection, discussion and praying for one another. If you are interested in being part of a home group, please contact the church office (

Guy’s Night

Second Friday of the Month || 8pm || Throughout Stratford

Join the guys of Avon for a monthly get together for fellowship, community, and spiritual discussion.

Please contact Cyrille Fopoussi for location and more information or the office (

Noticing God in Nature

Stay Tuned for Dates

This is an outdoor gathering, rain, snow, or shine at Hidden Acre Mennonite Camp. All are welcome and each month is a stand alone event.

There will be a short gathering at the beginning with a reflection and an invitation for a quiet wondering time. We will gather to close with a prayer and blessing and an opportunity to share.

Contact Mary Anne Musser, or the office at (

Women’s Evening Gathering

Usually once a month on a Friday night || 7:00pm

Join in for a casual social time - sometimes there are games, sometimes snacks, sometimes a more sharing focus. The nights are hosted by various women in their homes. If you are interested contact Laura at ( If you have already received emails for these gatherings you are on the list so no need to sign up again!