Anabaptist Distinctives
In his widely circulated book, The Naked Anabaptist, Stuart Murray strips down the essence of Anabaptism in our modern post-Christendom setting to seven core values:
1. Jesus is our example, teacher, friend, redeemer and Lord, the source of our life, the central reference point for our faith and lifestyle.
2. Jesus is the focal point of God’s revelation; we are committed to a Jesus-centred approach to the Bible.
3. In a culture of churches ill-equipped for mission, Anabaptism has rejected Christendom assumptions and pursued alternative ways of thinking and behaving.
4. We are exploring ways of being good news to the poor, powerless and persecuted, aware that such discipleship may attract opposition.
5. Our churches are to be committed communities of discipleship and mission, places of friendship, mutual accountability and multi-voiced worship.
6. Spirituality and economics are interconnected, calling for living simply, sharing generously, caring for creation and working for justice.
7. We are committed to finding nonviolent alternatives and to learning to make peace between individuals, within and among churches, in society and between nations.